Podcasts are back! With iTunes reaching 1 billion subscriptions to podcasts throughout this year; it’s fair to say Cochrane (Todd Cochrane, chief executive of RawVoice) is right when he says “it’s sort of a renaissance. Podcasts are in vogue”.
Here at HMA we’re listening to lots of different podcasts; here are our top 5 picks:
1. The Digital Marketing Podcast – http://www.targetinternet.com/category/digital-marketing-podcast/
A great way to get new information about Digital Marketing; this podcast is part of my “Useful Content Sources” bank, and they’re all bite-sized in length. Their constantly updated Digital Marketing Tool Kit is especially useful.
2. 99% Invisible – http://99percentinvisible.org/
99% Invisible is a tiny radio show about design, architecture & the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. It’s made of quirky little stories that really show the importance of design in everyday life. 1.5 million listeners a month can’t be wrong!
3. TED Radio Hour Podcast – http://www.npr.org/programs/ted-radio-hour/
Basically TED talks in radio form. Our favourite episode so far is The Source of Creativity; perfect for Monday morning motivation!
4. Reply All – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/reply-all/id941907967?mt=2
Put simply, it’s a show about the internet. There are interviews with the guy who invented the pop up ad, stories about obscure social media channels like Figure One, the Instagram-like platform for doctors and an app that sends strangers to say “I love you”.
5. Serial – http://serialpodcast.org/
It would only be right to add this one to the list.
“Serial, the story of a 1999 murder case in Baltimore, has become the world’s most popular podcast and redefined people’s expectations of the medium” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/11230770/Why-Serial-is-the-greatest-podcast-ever-made.html)
It follows the murder case of an American teenager in the late 90’s, talking to suspects and the man who was convicted of the crime. People all around the world are hooked to the series; its sparked online vigilantism, infographics (http://www.fastcocreate.com/3038934/infographic-your-obsession-with-serial-visualized) and a renaissance in Podcast listening. BBC 4 is also bring the show to the actual radio airwaves http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2014/serial