Teachers and support staff in schools are required to do a lot of paperwork, monitoring, logging and providing evidence of progress and learning and our latest project with the education specialist’s Optimum Reports has included the design and development of two mobile apps to cut down the amount of paperwork required to keep track of teachers’ and pupils’ progress.
ClassTrack and Teacher Profile Apps
Two mobile apps to add to OTrack's award-winning product suite which helps improve standards in the classroom

The Brief
App: Teacher profile
The Teacher Profile app allows head teachers and senior managers to log teachers’ performance and monitor their progress – a task previously done on paper; helping schools assess teachers’ training needs and performance.
App: ClassTrack
ClassTrack was initially designed as a web-based programme to monitor whether pupils have reached outcomes required by the National Curriculum. The web tool is very successful, with more than 1,000 schools using it and more schools regularly coming on board. HMA designed an app version, meaning teachers can log the findings on a tablet in the classroom while they teach and save time by not having to fill in forms later.
The Result
Not only have the apps cut down on paperwork, monitoring, logging and evidence progress, they have made data logging more accurate as it is done at the time and doesn’t rely on someone remembering what happened or on scribbled notes.
This real time capturing of pupils’ learning also allows for more regular and meaningful reporting to parents; so that parents can now understand what skills their children have learned, instead of being told that they are working at some arbitrary level, which may not mean much to them.